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Codelgniter - Free PHP Framework

By JensonF
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Codelgniter is a free open source PHP framework, which is used by web developers to create web sites and web applications. It is a light weight and easily configurable framework. It takes less time to create website from scratch, because it provides a rich set of libraries that are useful in many tasks. It comes up with a simple user interface / dashboard and logical structures to access it's libraries. It's users can modify the system and functions as per requirement very easily. 

The main features provided by Codelgniter are:

  • Query Builder Database Support
  • Form and Data Validation
  • Security and XSS Filtering
  • Session Management
  • File Uploading Class
  • FTP Class
  • Localization
  • Pagination
  • Data Encryption
  • Benchmarking
  • Full Page Caching
  • Error Logging
  • Application Profiling
  • Calendaring Class
  • User Agent Class
  • Zip Encoding Class
  • XML-RPC Library
  • Unit Testing Class
  • Search-engine Friendly URLs
  • Flexible URI Routing
  • Support for Hooks and Class Extensions
  • Large library of “helper” functions

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